

(C1) A method for assigning a respective point in a high-dimensional space to each word in a vocabulary of words, 
the method comprising: {
 (C2)obtaining a set of training data,
  wherein {
   (C3)the set of training data comprises sequences of words
 (C4)training a plurality of classifiers and an embedding function on the set of training data,
  wherein {
   (C5)the embedding function
      receives an input word
      (C6)maps the input word to a numeric representation in the high-dimensional space
       in accordance with a set of embedding function parameters,
  wherein {
   (C7)each of the classifiers corresponds to a respective position surrounding the input word in a sequence of words,
  and wherein {
   (C8)each of the classifiers processes the numeric representation of the input word
     to generate a respective word score for each word in a pre-determined set of words,
     wherein {
      (C9)each of the respective word scores represents a predicted likelihood
        that the corresponding word will be found in the corresponding position relative to the input word,
     and wherein {
      (C10)training the embedding function comprises obtaining trained values of the embedding function parameters
 (C11)processing each word in the vocabulary
    using the embedding function in accordance with the trained values of the embedding function parameters
    to generate a respective numerical representation of each word in the vocabulary
 ; and
 (C12)associating each word in the vocabulary
    with the respective numeric representation of the word
    in the high-dimensional space. 

元の文章はこちら http://www.freepatentsonline.com/9037464.html