

What is Moyamoya?


The purpose of this book is to solve the "Moyamoya on programming".


Everyone is learning programming, "What is object-oriented? I do not know like I understood ..." You may have felt moaiyoya such as.


In this book I would like to help solve such mooyamoya and refresh it.


Moyamoya is not understood, I do not understand well, I can not understand well.

Moyamoya is a mental state such as "I do not understand well" or "I can not understand well."かな。

So what is understanding?


Makoto Nagao wrote in "What is" Understanding "" Understanding the sentence is to reconstruct the written content in the reader ".


Moyamoya is a state in which the knowledge input to the brain by sentences etc. does not connect with other knowledge that he owned, fluffy floating.

割と訳しにくい原文だと思うんだけど、理解できる訳になっている。日本人etc.使いすぎって英会話の先生によく言われるけどこの文章でも「by sentences etc. 」はいらない気がする。

Even in this state, you may be able to spit the knowledge as it is like a parrot as it is.

「as it is like a parrot as it is」が微妙。先のas it isは「与えられた知識を与えられた形のまま吐き出すことしかできない」なのでas it was givenかなと思うし、like a parrot as it isのas it isが必要なのかどうかよくわからん。あえて訳出するにしても「まるであなたがオウムであるかのように」だからitじゃなくてyouだろう。

あと日本人的な曖昧表現が気になる。英語で書くなら「Even in this state, you can spit ...」と言い切った方がすっきりしそう。

However, we can not connect it with another knowledge.



First, it is a concept of "implementing general functions in superclasses and implementing specialized functions in subclasses"? This is a design policy that superclass is generalization of subclass and subclass is specialization of superclass. This design policy matches the idea of ​​"class = classification".


The second one is the idea of ​​"extracting the intersection of multiple classes as its superclass?" This is a design policy of "extracting common parts" that is similar to mathematical factorization rather than generalization / specialization. This design policy matches the idea of ​​"sharing common parts of processing" already familiar with how to make functions.


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It is not satisfactory quality as it is, but probably it can be passed as it is. Since you can see what you want to say in most places without referring to the original text, the labor of the work of correcting the translations made in Google Translate will be much less. Perhaps in this state you could also outsource "to correct sentences to be naturally" to people in English-speaking countries who do not understand Japanese.
